Uplift and Empower Audiobook Update

Something crazy just happened 😱, and it involves your headphones! 🎧

After several months of working with my narrator, Julia, exchanging files and feedback, and even discussing the best lengths of pauses between paragraphs, I can finally share that the Uplift and Empower Audiobook is available for sale on Audible! 🎧📚🎧📚

And, as an exciting bonus, it will be available for sale on Amazon and iTunes in early February! 🤩

What an incredible way to end Poverty Awareness Month! I'm so grateful to the Uplift and Empower community for making this possible, and I can't wait for you to hear Julia.

So, run, don't walk to your Audible account, and give it a listen!

Uplift and Empower Audiobook Link


StoryGraph Giveaway


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